Saturday, June 9, 2007

Farmers Branch, The Birthplace of True Racists Heroes

My favorite defenders of the one true race heroes are the voters of Farmers Branch, Texas. Recently, they became the first city in the nation to prohibit landlords from offering the basic needs of survival renting to Mexicans illegal immigrants. The ban was approved 68 to 32 percent, the latter of which better watch their backs (taco-loving hippies).

The ballot is very important because it marks the first angry-mob public vote on a local government measure to finally crack down on Mexicans marrying our daughters and having ten kids illegal immigration.

"It says especially to all you bean-eating Mexicans out there Congress that we're tired of the out-of-control interracial breeding illegal immigration problem. That if Congress doesn't do something about it, the Ku Klux Klan cities will," said Tim O'Hare, a City Council member who is afraid that Mexicans will inherit the earth was the ordinance's lead proponent.

The long-anticipated because we can’t understand what the hell they might be plotting ordinance requires apartment managers to help cleanse our streets of those Home Depot loiterers verify that renters are citizens or White Canadians legal immigrants before leasing to them, unless one of them just finished their basement, is their gardener, or is their children’s nanny for half the price with some exceptions.

Property managers or owners who break the rule face tar and feathering in the city square a misdemeanor charge punishable by a fine of up to $500.

I completely agree with O'Hare that the city's racial purity economy and quality of life will improve if illegal immigrants are placed in internment camps and only released temporarily if someone’s got a hankerin’ for carne asada kept out.

Thank Hitler God that O’Hare and the other racists people of Farmer’s Branch finally had the utter contempt for a group of people courage to stand up for our communities and take a stand against crime because you know they are all gang members, unemployment even though most of our jobs actually went to China and over-crowding oh my god, there’s another one. I swear they are taking over!

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